2017 Unfamiliar text paper, Practise

Question: Analyse how the writer sees the personal value of taking a photo

Notes: Memories attached to pictures
Lost to the wind (a metaphor for time)
Sticks their hand out to catch it (a metaphor for a photo)
Torn and crumpled (Metaphor for a crumpled photo or even if the photo is not that good its the memories contained by it)
“live in the moment”Quoting for
Memories as they fall away like sand in an hourglass (How memories fade and less able to relive moments. Also symbolism for time)
They’ll be safe, stored in crystal frames….Instead of the fragile murky mind
A few tiny pixels on my phone (insignificant a photo by itself is, but how powerful they are with the memories)


Cathrine Norman illustrates the importance of photographs in the short story “Why not” by explaining how memories are lost easily throughout our lives, but by taking a photo is a way to hold onto them.

One way is by metaphor when she describes the losing memories to the wind. “Lost to the wind“. The metaphor wind is used to describe times nature as a constant force thatblowsmemories away, And the further they get blown away, the harder they are to pick up again. The importance of taking a photograph comes in when another metaphor is used. “Unless someone Sticks their hand out to catch itThis is a metaphor that you can catch the memory that is being blown away, and the way to catch this by taking a photograph. The word use of catch also gives the idea that the world is throwing memories, experiences are being thrown to us all the time and its up to us which ones we decide to keep.

The text goes on showing how time pulls these memories out of us and alters them by using metaphor and symbolism of time by an hourglass. “Memories as they fall away like sand in an hourglass“. Each second that passes more sand comes down the hour glass. The memories (the sand) are located at the top but after each second more sand falls to the bottom of the hourglass. This shows how easily our memories are lost as time will constantly age them and let them fall to the bottom of the hourglass. The importance of taking a photograph is to capture these memories so when we look back at them it brings the memory back.”They’ll be safe, stored in crystal frames…Instead of the fragile murky mind” This supports this idea as the photo is “safe” whitch suggests it was once in danger. The danger is time taking it away. But once a photo is taken its been saved. This is referring to a photo being we store photos in crystal frames. This is then contrasted to our mind where its “Fragile whitch shows that the photos keep these memories much safer than our mind as our mind is weak and easily warped by time. Altering our memories.
Finally, it is shown that a photo on its own doesn’t mean a lot. But rarther what the photo means is the why photos are important. This is done by patronizing the photo on his phone.A few tiny pixels on my phone” whitch shows that a photo is its own is just a few pixels and that they are tiny. But this occurs at the end and we know after we have read it that its the memories of the moment where the photo was taken that give the photo real meaning. This shows that do save these memories because they bring us back to moment through site and allow us to relive them in our imaginations.

Question: Analyse how the writer shows the challenge the musicians face in preparation for the photograph

The actual Challenges

The conductor shed his and was lashed by the whip of snow crossed air” Metaphor for the cold bite of the air. Furthermore “snow crossed air”

Question: Analyse how the writer shows that the same two things can be experienced in different ways.

Contrasting Narrative: “Unseen pits vipers coiled in deadly poise on saplings”
“Daylight was fading fast and the steep jungle track, slippery and unfamiliar.”
“The crimson sunset was a dramatic backdrop to the bats that pursued insetcs”

The writer shows hows two things can be viewed differently by the contrasting narrative. In the first section of the piece deals with a character who views the place shes in as dangerous.”Daylight was fading fast and the steep jungle track, slippery and unfamiliar.” The word choice of “daylight Fading fast” followed by how the track was slippery and unfamiliar builds tension as this environment it seems that she is lost is an unforgiving environment. However, in the second section, we see a different view in the manner. “The crimson sunset was a dramatic backdrop to the bats that pursued insects” This character sees the environment around him as intriguing and the impending darkness in more of a peaceful manner. He sees the environment as a peaceful manner because hes not viewing the possible dangers around him and instead is looking past that and seeing the world in a positive mindset.

The text goes on talking about the science of the human brain and why some people view two situations in the same way by using facts. “Your brain processes sensory information recognizes that information for what it is.” whitch the writer explains is to a piece of the brain called the Amygdala which process this information and is different for everyone. This then leads on for why people experience two different versions of events as some different hormones in this same situations. Some may feel fear while others feel excitement etc. Which leads people to have different responses as the contrast at the end shows “That’s a bat” and “THAT’S A BAT!!!” which further supports this as the contrast of their 2 different responses. I would then go on to say.

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