Chapter writing idea 1

New idea

Idea 1


Humanity has colonised the solar system where two powers stood. The Martian Republic and the Earth Federation. Space technology has got increasingly better where a single space ship can reach the outer solar system and back without needing to refuel due to harnessing and controlling nuclear fusion. Earth was in a dire environmental state where Ocean levels had risen by 10m and many ecosystems fell. Tensions were rising between Earth and Mars after Mars left the Inner planet alliance and thus both sides built military ships and began improving space combat. During the Earth federation elections United Union party leaders Orbital Jet was shot of the sky from what is believed to be from the Democratic of new China. This caused panic and confusion ultimately leading to many countries launching orbital weapons and nukes at each other. An hour later Earth was inhabitable.

Year: 2213AC or 42 years since the Great Exodus




Population: 120 million
Luna was the first on the celestial bodies to be colonised by Earth. Unlike Earth, however, there were are only 2 large cities as it was easiest in its formation to have everything close together. The first of these cities is Mare, located on 3 of the 5 major mare plains on the surface which stretches for many hundreds of kilometres. 85% of the inhabits spend the majority of there time in the tunnels.

  • Poorer population lives under Luna service
  • Richer population live in domes and towers

Luna became Earths military shipyard and first strike capabilities strategic point when Mars broke off from the Interplanetary Federation. The moon had massive farms as well as water production and purifying facilities to be less dependent of food shipments from the home planet.  Before, Luna Served as the Gateway to Mars and were many of the first Martian expeditions were sent as well as supplies

  • Has the greatest population and infrastructure of the 3 remaining groups

During the Extremum Terrae some Interplanetary Warheads destroyed the Numbium branch of Mare. This is called The burning of clouds
After Earths fall thousands on Luna starved as farms couldn’t keep up

Martin republic
Population: 40 million
Mars has some of the brightest minds from all over the solar system as the pioneer scientist that lived there have had many kids which. Signed its independence from Earth 30 years before the Mortem of Terra.  

Galileo Alliance
A smaller collection of humanity in the outer soloar systme that primarily live on the Galileo moons

Fleet commander?

Ideas to play with
Worlds having all one race
Destruction of earth
Corrupt leaders coming into power
The destruction of earth
World superpower leaving earth and controlling other planets
No meat
People left with powerful military tools
Playing with Religion ideas with the beginning of mobile consciousness
Constant viewing
Plot points
Luna running out of plant diversity? Needing to go to Earth Callisto
Needing to go back to earth

Dystopia Exercises

Fronted Prepositions
1) At the bridge’s entrance stand two guards wearing stitched faces.
2) Beyond the bridge, a large gate separates the two worlds
3) Above the castle walled factory, soars the Fat Podgy Pig.
4) Within the factory, the workers making the bacon scream

Noun Phrases
2) Beyond the bridge, a large gate between the hopeful and hopeless separates the two worlds.

Simple Sentence
Rubbish populated the street.
The emptiness gave an echo.
The skyscrapers stood crippled.
A street light flickered in the distance.
The boy walked alone.
A one-wheeled suitcase followed the boy.
The stench of corpses lifted out of him.
Blood and sweat stuck to his watery skin.

Relative Clauses
A street light flickered in the distance which gave the emptiness gave an echo.

The boy walked alone while a one-wheeled suitcase followed the boy.

Example with Relative Clauses
Pop pop pop. The sound of water slumping onto an iron pipe which steadily echos through the madness of disarrangement that unrolls above, in the brown vicious fog. The stench of decaying corpses hugs the streets which is another sign of the world that is lost. Rows of sewers line the base of the central fortress which once used to be the world cathedral. The suffocating sun and the rotting rising sea has left the environment nailed to a cross.

The fortress which once was the Southward Cathedral is now the stronghold of London.
into a still water echo through the sewer

Now that Smoke rose from the smouldering remains now that only the concrete crumbled ruins stood.
The decayed bedrock chilled the air after the Thames ran dry.
Light struggled to shine on such day since all hope was lost

Writing a Dystopia
1) Gramma effects (see above)
2) Be decisive on a viewpoint (first person, third person etc)
3) Use known language effects (Pathetic fallacy, Neologism, Sematic field,
4) Character use
5) Symbolism
6) Technology

Application of society