Dystopia Exercises

Fronted Prepositions
1) At the bridge’s entrance stand two guards wearing stitched faces.
2) Beyond the bridge, a large gate separates the two worlds
3) Above the castle walled factory, soars the Fat Podgy Pig.
4) Within the factory, the workers making the bacon scream

Noun Phrases
2) Beyond the bridge, a large gate between the hopeful and hopeless separates the two worlds.

Simple Sentence
Rubbish populated the street.
The emptiness gave an echo.
The skyscrapers stood crippled.
A street light flickered in the distance.
The boy walked alone.
A one-wheeled suitcase followed the boy.
The stench of corpses lifted out of him.
Blood and sweat stuck to his watery skin.

Relative Clauses
A street light flickered in the distance which gave the emptiness gave an echo.

The boy walked alone while a one-wheeled suitcase followed the boy.

Example with Relative Clauses
Pop pop pop. The sound of water slumping onto an iron pipe which steadily echos through the madness of disarrangement that unrolls above, in the brown vicious fog. The stench of decaying corpses hugs the streets which is another sign of the world that is lost. Rows of sewers line the base of the central fortress which once used to be the world cathedral. The suffocating sun and the rotting rising sea has left the environment nailed to a cross.

The fortress which once was the Southward Cathedral is now the stronghold of London.
into a still water echo through the sewer

Now that Smoke rose from the smouldering remains now that only the concrete crumbled ruins stood.
The decayed bedrock chilled the air after the Thames ran dry.
Light struggled to shine on such day since all hope was lost

Writing a Dystopia
1) Gramma effects (see above)
2) Be decisive on a viewpoint (first person, third person etc)
3) Use known language effects (Pathetic fallacy, Neologism, Sematic field,
4) Character use
5) Symbolism
6) Technology

Application of society

Genetic modification

We have accepted cancer. We have accepted cancer and so many other diseases to take the lives of our loved one.. We have disregarded the single most powerful tool against these terrible problems. Problems that we believe are out of our reach or behind lock doors. We have a new powerful tool that is emerging from what once was science fiction. This is genetic modification and it may just fix problems such as cancer

Now its important to stress here that genetic modification is not like in Scifi movies. Its not mad scientists in a lab where we can snakes have wings or creating making us like to be  Superman, Wonderwomen or, some far handsome Captain underpants. It doesn’t have the power to create any wild ravaging beast that will end our world tomorrow nor new superheroes that can shoot lazars or underpants from their hands. You see Genetic modification is selecting specific sequences of code in our genome and modifying them, just slightly, so our cells have new and better characteristics. We haven’t created new code but rather rearranged what we already have into something better. You will still be you. Want to eliminate cancer, Want to fix climate change, Genetic modification. Want to create better political leaders in our absolutely flawless society, genetic modification. We finally have the technology to fix some of the biggest problems in our imperfect reality. So where does one start? Let’s go back to that thing called cancer. 

Cancer kills 7.6 million people a year. The cause of it is unknown. We are no closer to finding a cure than we are to finding out than how life got here in the first place. Our current most well-known and effective way to try and treat cancer is chemotherapy. Listen. Do you want to know what the survival rates of people who go through chemotherapy are? Its just shy of 50%., our most effective method at fighting this beast that kills millions of people a year is just 50%.  Who here would bet to their life on a coin flip. Who here would bet their mother’s life on a coin flip. The sad thing is nobody should have to go through something as horrific as this. We have a number of solutions at our fingertips thanks to the use of genetic modification. Cancer is caused by critical random mutations throughout our genome so it makes logical sense if we stop it from its root cause rather than battle it with other harsh drugs that kill our body as much as it does cancer. We could increase our genetic redundancy to Cancer, we could import a selected few genes from blue whales that make them cancer resistance or give our white blood cells better systems to detect and kill the tumour are just a few methods we can start with.

So why aren’t we using it?

Its because in recent years a few narrowminded, ninwittited, double thinkers have exploited the media and painted a criminal image of GMO’s. 

There main augment was over an experiment many years ago when scientists were modifying the genome of apple trees in an effort to make them have natural pesticides so we don’t have to use sprays. Unfourtuanlly it didn’t work and all trees with the gene therapy died. But some people took this one experiment as a failure for all future events and tried to argue only the negative impacts it could have. Imagine if we said the same thing about penicillin back in the day and only looked at negatives about it like it kills the vital bacteria in your gut and that it was incredibly hard to manufacture. Yet now we use it and it saves untold amounts of lives. 

We don’t have to be the loudmouth minority. They say its tearing the human genome apart only to create a that is only not human. But isn’t the mere act of denying such a tool that could save the lives of millions is in itself, is not human. I ask please consider your humanity

But this by no means applies for only cancer.

Who here would like to think that one day they would like kids. The majority. Well, imagine that you’ve going through the effort (emotional and physical) into having a child. You are holding your first child in your arms. Its a boy! You stare at him in a state of euphoria thinking of the many years that are to come with him. In this moment you have never felt more alive, more present. A doctor walks through the door and says 4 words which you will never forget: “He has Cystic fibrous.” Average life expectancy, 37 years. Chances of going to school, low. Can he have children? No. Suddenly, doors shut and the world fades. This doesn’t have to be you or any other parent and child out there.

We could end, cystic fibrosis and literary every other genetic disease and disorder that exists. We can give every child who is born on planet earth an equal start in their adventure that is life. They will not be limited by their genes like so many people are today. 

But why not go further and open more doors.

For example, Who agrees that Climate change and our destruction to the environment is becoming exponentially worse within recent years. (raise hand). And raise your hand if you think we could all be doing better to save our planet. (raise hand) . x can you give me an example of what we have done to the planet. Yes, we have flattened forests, poured toxic chemicals in the skies and rivers, we have created islands of plastics and glass with a surface area of 1.6 million km. But for the 1st time in history, we can finally take the affirmative action and clean up the decimation we have caused to our planet, rather than just sitting back and saying its what a shame is. We can use Genetic modification to engineer trees that grow faster a have a higher yield of wood so we can stop cutting down more forest. We can engineer plants that literary breath in these dangerous chemicals and more CO2 and let them use it for their own fertiliser. We can engineer types of bacteria and fungi that work together as an ecosystem that break down the plastics in the ocean. We can fix what the previous generation couldn’t accept. Your children will not be the last generation that walks the beaches of earth, nor their children or the children after that. They will have a home called earth that will greet them with open arms.

We shouldn’t fear the unknown. We shouldn’t be scared of what lays behind those unopened doors. What does as humanity stand to gain by refusing new ideas and closing the curtains? In our world, In our universe, there is only one certainty. Change is the only constant.

What we do now will ultimately choose the very doors we go through and equip us with the very tools to the many challenges that await. We must work together and unify as one collective. We must take what is given for our pursuit.

We don’t have to become death, the destroyer of worlds, but rather we can become the author’s of our changing world and beyond. Genetic modification may just be one of the many keys. 

Genetic Modification (Eugenics)

1)Benefits against diseases
2)Pushing our selves further
4)Benefits on food

Genetic Modification points
Removing diseases
Appeal to emotion: Imagine if as a father or mother your child has a terminal disease that could be prevented

How we could reduce the number of people stuck in hospitals including mental ones.

People would be healthier to a much longer age so much more we can do in our lives more places we can see

We could modify our selves so our immune system is much stronger. We could end cancer. End AIDS and end viruses such as coronavirus

We can modify crops so we don’t need to put harmful pesticides on them that hurt our serves and the environments

We could push our selves to the limits we could travel to the stars

2) Allows us to push our selves to our limits
3) We have the control
4) Super Human
5) We would become smarter
6) Everyone who is engineered could contribute to society
7) Why its ok

We once thought computers would take over the world



Familiarity: Helps persuade people to your point
Alienation: Help drive people away from a point
Fallacy: Help mislead peoples logic
Ethos: Makes you as a character more or less believable
Logos: Persuades by the logical side of the argument
Pathos: Taps into peoples emotions and persuades peoples heats
Satire: Brings humour and undermines a point
Rhyme: Subtle rhyme can reinforce a point


The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its attitudes and aspirations.

A: Facial hair is an important factor in secondary education.

It is inappropriate to base importance someone’s crucial education based on the way they look. We should not base that the way our students what to look like makes a significant difference in their education since the students have the freedom to shave or not.

If facial hair

NCEA 3.4 – Writing Portfolio – Feature Article


Many argue that history is in the past and is of no importance of how we live our lives now. However, Goerge Orwell has a perspective on the manner which is seen throughout his novel Nineteen eighty-four. Orwell reveals the importance of history and warns us of the power a state can possess by simply altering it. The novel is shown to be more than a warning when we take a look at the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was the first state to adopt the Marxist-Leninist views where everyone in the state had an equal economic and social position, which is the founding idealogy of communism. In saying this, looking back on the Soviet Union, it is seemingly clear that due to the desire of the people in power, it can be argued that these ideologies were never truly established. Instead, it seems they were abused for a means of control. To navigate through this complex idea, we will start with how history is manipulated in Nineteen eighty-four. We will then go back and see the similarities this has with the Soviet Union and the effect this had on their citizens. Following this, we will then take a look at the importance of comparing the past to the present in our daily lives through Nineteeneighty four.

The alteration of history is evident as we see its effect on a population, while we follow in the footsteps of the antihero, Winston. While we are following Winston’s day to day life, we are exposed to how a state can lie to its people as a way of controlling the standards the masses have. “Winston’s job is to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones“. Now it is important to note that Winston’s job to “rectify the original figures” is an imperative control mechanism the Party uses over the people of Oceania. One such example is by making it look like “The centuries of capitalism[…] produced nothing of value“. This is all achieved by people like Winston whose occupation is to rewrite the history books. Much like a child tearing apart a lego church and putting it back together in the form of a concrete dome. Orwell hints how a state executes this with the following: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past“. This is saying that whoever controls the present can manipulate the past to seem like any paradise or dystopia no matter how far from reality. We understand this to be one of the many factors that lead the people of Oceania to accept the life they lived as the very nature of altering the past makes it almost impossible to prove or disprove anything. For instance, if you control all the written records, nothing other than living memories can enlighten you. It would be foolish to tell ourselves that this hasn’t, or couldn’t, have occurred in our society, because where do we turn when we don’t know or are unsure of something? We always turn to Google. This is not suggesting that the Roman empire never existed or that the pyramids were built by a different civilization, but merely suggesting that we should take this information with a grain of salt. Orwell goes to quite the effort by warning us of the power a governing body can have over the masses by the altering the vents of the past. This warning comes to life as we turn our heads to the Soviet Union.

We can see Orwell’s theories of what the effect altering the past will have on the masses when we take a look into the Soviet Union after WWII. In fact
there may be no stronger real-world example of a governing body tearing the history books apart and putting them back together to their choosing than the Soviet Union. In fact, the parallels that the Soviet Union and Orwell’s Oceania have is so disturbing that it reads as if Joesph Starlin and his successors used Nineteen eighty-four like as an instruction manual on how to control a nation. Similarly, in Oceania, the Soviet Union changed many of their facts and statistics which seems to be a tool to deceive the people of their productions. Many of the historians that have looked into this have come to the foggy conclusion that the “Soviet authorities may have completely “invented” statistical data potentially useful in historical research (such as economic data invented to prove the successes of the Soviet industrialization)” . This is one of the disturbing similarities we see after reading the novel that the Soviet Union, like Oceania, “invented” their statistics on state production. This was to “prove the successes of the” governing body. This, therefore, makes the state look as if they have kept their promise. This like before leads the masses to believe the people should keep “their” promise and keep working hard for the state as “everyone will become better off” leading people to accept the life they are living and the jobs they are doing. This may have been what Orwell worried what could happen if a state hows the power to control the history books.

We can see the means of control the Soviet Union had of their citizen’s when we take a look at some of their minor modifications that they carried out in their, history books, and how this has the potential to change the outlook the on the present. One case is the photographs. We see how this was used to control the opinions of masses because the Soviet Union had total control over its people. Stalin fell out with many of his fellow party members that held different ideas of the ideal Communist picture, and who wanted to change the way they divided resources. To deal with this Joseph Stalin used many photo retouches to cut his ‘traitors’ of past photos. We know this to be true because the very word “photo retouchers” came about during the great purges in the country. Stalin demoted them of all their powers. But Stalin didn’t stop there as he was still paranoid. Stalin cut out secret police officer, Yezhov, out of all past photos and took him out of the written records. As the site History states “Stalin’s censors then removed Yezhov from the photographic record, including cutting him from a photograph in which he smiled next to his former boss“. Starlin had also changed many other photos such as protest signs. By changing the words on the signs to make it look like people were protesting about something completely different. This was a powerful tool to kill revolutions. As we can see this shows how simply changing a photo or changing the words in one can completely alter the picture you have in your mind about what’s really going on in the present. This can lead to a state like the Soviet Union or Oceania staying in power for many years by keeping the population unaware of what’s really going on behind the lens.

One of the most powerful aspects of having history in our lives, as Orwell expresses in his novel nineteen eighty-four, is that we humans use our knowledge of history to compare the present to the past. These comparisons we make are important because it makes sure the governing body can’t deceive or exploit us. We see a clear example of this in Goldstein’s book that “the alteration of the past is necessary for two reasons[…], he tolerates the present-day conditions because he has no standards [for] comparison“. The people in Oceania are told that they live a much more comfortable life than their predecessors. But when reading the novel we can see that this is not true as they work for longer hours and live a life where no one truly cares for them. If the citizens of Oceana found out what life was like 40 years ago then they might revolt. This is why “He must be cut off from the past[…] because it is necessary for him to believe he’s better off than his ancestors“. This is done by the Party altering the events that have happened in the history books. The people of Oceania are not aware or conscious of the events that really happen. This creates a vicious cycle where “Until they have become conscious they will never rebel, and until they rebel they cannot become conscious”. This is why our knowledge of the past is so important for how we perceive our present-day life. As in Nineteen eighty-four, if a governing body can alter the past, they can use it as a useful tool to control the thoughts of the masses.

As we have explored, history is a lot more than solely past events. We have seen that if the control of the past comes into the wrong hands they can skew it to make it look like anything they want. They can use it as a means of control over our very thoughts. Orwell’s Nineteen eighty-four is the perfect instruction manual to execute this. We know its more than just a novel as we have seen this happen in our own world. We have seen the oppression that comes with this. But this is not to say that history only has a dark side, because it most definitely has a light one; even if it hasn’t happened yet.


Tidier plan

Introduction to the Article:
History is written by victors
We humans very rarely question the validity of most historical facts and assume we are being told the truth.
Orwell’s in his novel warns is if a state can control the history books they can skew the past to make it out however they want it
We will see Orwell’s novel is more than a warning by comparing aspects of it to the USSR.
Brief about the USSR
State the structure and maybe its disturbing similarity to 1984
we may see the dangers the winners may have by writing the books


Block about alterations of History and the USSR: A piece explaining the nature of history explaining the history using.
Eg how history is made History is written by the victors -Winston Churchill
Talk about that Orwell’s strong stance on the influence of History and how this has lead to features that we see in his novel Nineteen eighty-four
Talk about the structure of what we are going to about
Overall Idea
Orwell Warns us the effect of altering the past can have on the masses and how this relates to the USSR.
1)How a state such as Oceania can alter their History.
2)Orwell’s warning is a reality in the USSR and how this parallels to the USSR
3)How the USSR shows the power changing small things such as photos or words can have on a population.
Paragraph 1: The way the alteration of History is seen in nineteen eighty-four by Wistons edits.
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. Talk about that this means Which also reinforces the fact Churchill statement.
This controls what the population knows about the outside world leading them to think they are better off (which will be talked more about later)
This is a contour mechanism
Then go into good detail about it means the state can lie with no proof to prove them wrong.
This is why we can’t believe everything
Today we do have the Internet, with lots of people giving lots of different opinions, but we still need to ask questions of anything we read: who is behind the information? Who is it that wishes us to be manipulated?
Briefly make a statement linking to the next paragraph

Paragraph 2: Briefly spend the first bit of the paragraph restating what the political ideology of the USSR was.
USSR like Oceania altered there statistics and events in History as a way to control there people.
If we take a look at the USSR we can see the disturbing similarities between it and OceaniaSoviet authorities may have completely “invented” statistical data potentially useful in historical research (such as economic data invented to prove the successes of the Soviet industrialization)
A famous example is Stalin used a large group of photo retouchers to cut his enemies out of supposedly documentary photographs[…]Yezhov fell from Stalin’s favour after being usurped by one of his own deputies.
The party needed to remove the people who could see through there lies in order to maintain there control. Starlin did this by removing all photos and articles about former “traitors”. This is a demonstration of them using there power over history so no one could speak out and question the party, therefore, raising awareness to the unaware. Used like nineteen eighty-four for Control
Real-world proof that Orwell’s warning in Nineteen eighty-four is more than fiction.
——————Add one of these—————–
The endless purges arrests tortures and vapourisations are not inflated for the crime but merely the wiping out of persons who might commit a crime sometime in the future
Whatever happened you vanished and neither you nor your actions were ever heard of again. You were lifted clean out of the stream of history.

Paragraph 3:
Idea: History is a reference point to thought and morals as it allows people to compare and contrast. Without it we only see what we are shown. Show what the lack of this looks like

the alteration of the past is necessary for two reasons[…] tolerates the present-day conditions because he has no standards of comparison
Why the banned things like Relioous acts as it showed the people believed in something greater than the party
The Purpose of newspeak
if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away.

History is important. If you don’t know history it is as if you were born yesterday. And if you were born yesterday, anybody up there in a position of power can tell you anything, and you have no way of checking up on it“.- Howard Zinn

For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then

Orthodoxy means not thinking–not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness

There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad

Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed

Nineteen Eighty-Four essay planning

  • Hold a stance of uncertainty in your writing!!!
  • Aspects of Nineteen Eighty Four and how this has Parallels with today/fears of the time/
  • Totalitarian control of Oceania. Why its important not to give a governing body much control. Could then use how this is still a fear of present-day culture as other dystopias still have these features. How the late Soviet Union turned out. Is this to many ideas??? Maybe Thought control? How thoughtcrime keeps the government in check if allowed.
  • Checklist

Give a clear statement to the start of each paragraph
Make all the quotes make sense in each sentece
Find some numbers for the photoediting

  • The Importance/power of History(real or fake) has on the population. How Nineteen Eighty-four shows the power of misleading people with history. How altering the records give them so much power. History is a reference point to thought and morals as it allows people to compare and contrast. The warning is what happens if its removed. Could also say how History was pressed in USSR. Or the cultural effect in other Dystopias as their governments use similar tactics forbid the population of the knowledge of history

1984 is not just a piece of fiction but an instruction manual. See howthis book written in 1948 predicted the fait of History
Is this happening now such as fake news
They say that History repeats or is remembered but I think its fair to say that we are more likely to paint over it for our own comfort

The overall answer to the question: Gorge Orwell shows that his novel Nineteen eighty-four is more than a work of fiction and gives us a warning. This warning is the power a state can have over its people if it can control what is written in the History books history. We can also see this in parallels of nineteen eighty-four and the totalitarian state of the USSR
What I’m explaining to the reader:
1)What happened in history is what we are told. Therefore whatever controls history controls what we know about the past. This is important because it means the state can lie with no proof to prove them wrong. This can make you decided into thinking you’re better off.
2) We see the historical context of this in the USSR as they also altered stats and how Starlin used them as control. Real-world proof that Orwell’s warning in Nineteen eighty-four is more than fiction.
3)The party needed to remove the people who could see through there lies in order to maintain there control. Starlin did this by removing all photos and articles about former “traitors”. This is a demonstration of them using there power over history so no one could speak out and question the party, therefore, raising awareness to the unaware. (this links to the next paragraph)
4)History is a reference point to thought and morals as it allows people to compare and contrast. Without it we only see what we are shown. Show what the lack of this looks like
5) Could then show what the lack of a reference point with the USSR this also shows that nineteen eighty-four is more than just a piece of fiction and how real it became. Could also then go hint at that even us in our society has posted some of these as well. Could then go back to the lack of organization over statistics USSR was less vigorous than nineteen eighty-four eighty-four and suggest why this was one of the reasons the USSR fell from power.Could talk about how the USSR had big gaps in its history because I did find some info how they did distort there statics in a somewhat similar fashion but the way they did it was not as advanced or efficient as nineteen eighty-four as when historian look back there are significant gaps where they were deleted at a later date without being replaced etc.

Paragraph ideas How Orwell shows the power of Altering History in nineteen eighty-four.
1)What happened in history is what we are told. Therefore whatever controls history controls what we know about the past. This is important because it means the state can lie with no prof to prove them wrong.
Also, need to explain using Winston’s perspective the reality control
Winstons job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones
And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours?
Day by Day minute by minute the past was brought up to date 
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.
History is written by Victors – Winston Churchill
History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present where the party is always right. Maybe put this at the end??
2)Briefly explain the disturbing similarities between nineteen eighty-four and the USSR. USSR like Oceania altered there statistics and events in History as a way to control there people. Then explain some of the parallels that exist between 1984 and the USSR about the alteration of history and it as a power mechanism.
Quotes: Can also insert quotes in P1 that are not used
Soviet authorities may have completely “invented” statistical data potentially useful in historical research (such as economic data invented to prove the successes of the Soviet industrialization)
Data was falsified both during collection
nonetheless, the policy of not publishing—or simply not collecting—data that was deemed unsuitable for various reasons was much more common than simple falsification; hence the many gaps in Soviet statistical data

3)The party needed to remove the people who could see through there lies in order to maintain there control. Starlin did this by removing all photos and articles about former “traitors”. This is a demonstration of them using there power over history so no one could speak out and question the party, therefore, raising awareness to the unaware.
Quotes:The endless purges arrests tortures and vapourisations are not inflated for the crime but merely the wiping out of persons who might commit a crime sometime in the future
Whatever happened you vanished and neither you nor your actions were ever heard of again. You were lifted clean out of the stream of history.
the alteration of the past is necessary for two reasons[…] tolerates the present-day conditions because he has no standards of comparison
Stalin used a large group of photo retouchers to cut his enemies out of supposedly documentary photographs[…]Yezhov fell from Stalin’s favour after being usurped by one of his own deputies.
Stalin’s censors then removed Yezhov from the photographic record, including cutting him from a photograph in which he smiled next to his former boss, 
Stalin’s censors then removed Yezhov from the photographic record, including cutting him from a photograph in which he smiled next to his former boss, 
Quotes:the alteration of the past is necessary for two reasons[…] tolerates the present-day conditions because he has no standards of comparison
Which is why Until they have become conscious they will never rebel, and until they rebel they cannot become conscious.
But by far the more important reason for the readjustment of the past is the need to safeguard the infallibility of the Party Could then go on to saying that the USSR altering History was less vigorous than nineteen eighty fours
Could talk about how the USSR had big gaps in its history because I did find some info how they did distort there statics in a somewhat similar fashion but the way they did it was not as advanced or efficient as nineteen eighty-four as when historian look back there are significant gaps where they were deleted at a later date without being replaced etc.

photo doctoring meant going back to the past to change the historical record, as when Stalin ordered Leon Trotsky, once a leading figure in the Communist Party, eliminated from all photos.

 Sometimes, Stalin inserted himself in photos at key moments in history, or had photo technicians make him look taller or more handsome.

More Detail
Paragraph 1

Relevant Quotes
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

Winstons job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones

And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours?

Day by Day minute by minute the past was brought up to date 

History is written by the victors – Winston Churchill

Until they have become conscious they will never rebel, and until they rebel they cannot become conscious.

Not a thought could’ve proved or disproved

History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present where the party is always right.

Whatever happened you vanished and neither you nor your actions were ever heard of again. You were lifted clean out of the stream of history. How this is similar in the USSR

The cynical movement of history was now intelligible or appeared to be so and if it was intelligible then it was alterable.

He had no freedom of choice whatsoever

The endless purges arrests tortures and vapourisations are not inflated for the crime but merely the wiping out of persons who might commit a crime sometime in the future

the alteration of the past is necessary for two reasons[…] tolerates the present-day conditions because he has no standards of comparison

He must be cut off from the past[…] because it is necessary for him to believe he’s better off than his ancestors

important reason for the readjustment of the past is the need to safeguard the infallibility of the party.

The past is whatever the records and the memory agree on
and since the party is in full control of the records and in equally full control of the minds of its members it follows that the past is whatever the party chooses to make it.

Your one-time existence was denied then forgotten, You were abolished, annihilated: vapourised

Historical facts
Breif explanaition of the USSR

The Soviet Union (also known as the USSR) was the first state to adapted the Marxist views to become a communist political party.
It was originally led by Vladimir Lenin after the Russian Revolution who was a very strong believer in the Marxist ideology.
It was meant to be a classless society where everyone was equal but due to people in power it became a place where power was abused for ones gain “in the name of the state” as a totalitarian state

Stalin used a large group of photo retouchers to cut his enemies out of supposedly documentary photographs[…]Yezhov fell from Stalin’s favour after being usurped by one of his own deputies.

Stalin’s censors then removed Yezhov from the photographic record, including cutting him from a photograph in which he smiled next to his former boss, 

Stalin’s censors then removed Yezhov from the photographic record, including cutting him from a photograph in which he smiled next to his former boss, 

photo doctoring meant going back to the past to change the historical record, as when Stalin ordered Leon Trotsky, once a leading figure in the Communist Party, eliminated from all photos.

 Sometimes, Stalin inserted himself in photos at key moments in history, or had photo technicians make him look taller or more handsome.

 Soviet authorities may have completely “invented” statistical data potentially useful in historical research (such as economic data invented to prove the successes of the Soviet industrialization

Data was falsified both during collection

nonetheless, the policy of not publishing—or simply not collecting—data that was deemed unsuitable for various reasons was much more common than simple falsification; hence the many gaps in Soviet statistical data

During 1975–1985, corruption and data fiddling became common practice among bureaucracy to report satisfied targets and quotas thus entrenching the crisis. At the same time, the effects of the central planning were progressively distorted due to the rapid growth of the second economy in the Soviet Union.[25]


Stalin used a large group of photo retouchers to cut his enemies out of supposedly documentary photographs[…]Yezhov fell from Stalin’s favour after being usurped by one of his own deputies.

Stalin’s censors then removed Yezhov from the photographic record, including cutting him from a photograph in which he smiled next to his former boss, 

Stalin’s censors then removed Yezhov from the photographic record, including cutting him from a photograph in which he smiled next to his former boss, 

photo doctoring meant going back to the past to change the historical record, as when Stalin ordered Leon Trotsky, once a leading figure in the Communist Party, eliminated from all photos.

 Sometimes, Stalin inserted himself in photos at key moments in history, or had photo technicians make him look taller or more handsome.

 Soviet authorities may have completely “invented” statistical data potentially useful in historical research (such as economic data invented to prove the successes of the Soviet industrialization

Data was falsified both during collection

nonetheless, the policy of not publishing—or simply not collecting—data that was deemed unsuitable for various reasons was much more common than simple falsification; hence the many gaps in Soviet statistical data

During 1975–1985, corruption and data fiddling became common practice among bureaucracy to report satisfied targets and quotas thus entrenching the crisis. At the same time, the effects of the central planning were progressively distorted due to the rapid growth of the second economy in the Soviet Union.[25]


https://www.jstor.org/stable/151363?seq=1 Changing the amount of deaths occuring in the soviet union.

1984 Paragraph

Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.
Winstons job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones
And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours?
Day by Day minute by minute the past was brought up to date 

History is written by the victors – Winston Churchill

In Gorge Orwell’s dystopian novel, nineteen eighty-four, makes us question the reality and authenticity within our society and why a totalitarian government. One of these questions is the control of “rectified” facts can control a society. It shows us the power and the influence the writers have over the minds of the unaware.

Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. He realises that the previous events and people have brought them to where they are now, but comes to the realisation that the people in control over society in present can make the past look however they want it to. The Party despises the pass does this destroying all books and other literature and rewrite it only containing information they wish the citizens to have. They also abolish anyway of people recording their
The Party rewrites all the books ever made to remove all also constantly deletes their records making sure there is no one can who can disprove them. Historical fact is only a fact if enough people believe it to be so. This novel also reflects the fears they had at the time as…. History is written by the victors – Winston Churchill


George Orwell has expanded on the anxieties held post World War Two about the degree to which communist States were seeking to control their citizens. He constructed a fictional future where the very records of history were constantly manipulated by the state. [Insert quote about mutability of the past] Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. Winston Smith works in the Ministry of Truth; the records department of The Party, the totalitarian government in Oceania, the state in which he lives. His job is to “rectify” all documents that have been published in the past so that they reflect the current propaganda of the Party. Through the presentation of the ‘records department’ in the novel, Orwell is able to show how control over the documents of history and recorded fact allow a state to control their population. “Day by Day minute by minute the past was brought up to date“. Winston’s job was often mundane. In relation to reports of state production “Winstons job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones” – the ‘later’ figures are in fact fabrications, created by the Party to deceive the population into believing that there was a supply of products that didn’t exist.